Índice de palabras clave


 Habilidad de razonamiento abstracto

Hayashi, M.; Kato, M.; Igarashi, K.; Kashima, H.: Superior fluid intelligence in children with Asperger’s disorder. Brain and Cognition 2008; 66(3):306–310

 Habilidades especiales

Etchepareborda, M. C.; Díaz Lucero, A.; Pascuale, M. J.; Abad Mas, L.; Ruiz Andrés, R.: Síndrome de Asperger, los pequeños profesores: habilidades especiales. Revista Neurología 2007; 44(Supl 2):S43–S47
Grandin, T.: Visual Abilities and Sensory Differences in a Person with Autism. Biological Psychiatry 2009; 65(1):15–16
Habilidades especiales Integración sensorial

 Habilidades motoras

Rogers, S. J.; Hepburn, S. L.; Stackhouse, T.; Wehner, E.: Imitation performance in toddlers with autism and those with other developmental disorders. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2003; 44(5):763–781
Theoret, H.; Halligan, E.; Kobayashi, M.; Fregni, F.; Tager-Flusberg, H.; Pascual-Leone, A.: Impaired motor facilitation during action observation in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Current Biology 2005; 15(3):R84–R85
Habilidades motoras

 Habilidades pragmáticas

Gramática Habilidades pragmáticas Semántica Sintaxis

 Habilidades sociales

Beaumont, R.; Sofronoff, K.: A multi-component social skills intervention for children with Asperger syndrome: The Junior Detective Training Program. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2008; 49(7):743–753
Habilidades sociales
Cobb, S.; Beardon, L.; Eastgate, R.; Glover, T.; Kerr, S.; Neale, H.; Parsons, S.; Benford, S.; Hopkins, E.; Mitchell, P.; Reynard, G.; Wilson, J.: Applied Virtual Environments to support learning of Social Interaction Skills in users with Asperger’s Syndrome. Digital Creativity 2002; 13:11–22
Entornos virtuales Habilidades sociales
Parsons, S.; Beardon, L.; Neale, H. R.; Reynard, G.; Eastgate, R.; Wilson, J. R.; Cobb, S. V.; Benford, S. D.; Mitchell, P.; Hopkins, E.: Development of social skills amongst adults with Asperger’s Syndrome using virtual environments: the ‘AS Interactive’ project. 3rd ICDVRAT, Sardinia Italy; University of Reading 2000; 163–170
Adultos Habilidades sociales
Gibbons, M. M.; Goins, S.: Getting to know the child with asperger syndrome. Professional School Counseling 2008; 11(5):347–352
Diagnóstico Escuelas Habilidades sociales
Owen-DeSchryver, J. S.; Carr, E. G.; Cale, S. I.; Blakeley-Smith, A.: Promoting social interactions between students with autism spectrum disorders and their peers in inclusive school settings. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 2008; 23(1):15–28
Koning, C.; Magill-Evans, J.: Social and language skills in adolescent boys with Asperger syndrome. Autism 2001; 5(1):23–36
Habilidades sociales Lenguaje
Ruble, L.; Willis, H.; McLaughlin Crabtree, V.: Social skills group therapy for autism spectrum disorders. Clinical Case Studies 2008; 7(4):287–300
Habilidades sociales
Kalapatapu, R. K.: The angry patient with Asperger’s. Current Psychiatry 2009; 8(2):49–54
Agresividad Habilidades sociales
Dunbar, R. I. M.: The social brain hypothesis. Evolutionary Anthropology 1988; 6(5):178–190

 Habilidad psicomotora

 Hemisferio derecho

Gunter, H. L.; Ghaziuddin, M.; Ellis, H. D.: Asperger Syndrome: Tests of Right Hemisphere Functioning and Interhemispheric Communication. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2002; 32(4):263–281
García Nonell, C.; Rigau Ratera, E.; Artigas Pallarés, J.: Perfil neurocognitivo del trastorno de aprendizaje no verbal. Revista de Neurología 2006; 43(5):268–274

 Hemisferio no dominante

Rotta, N.; Ranzan, J.; Ohlweiler, L.; Soncini Kapzink, N.; Steiner, S.: Síndromes del hemisferio no dominante. Actualizaciones en neurología infantil 2007; 67(1):593–600


Piven, J.; Palmer, P.; Jacobi, D.; Childress, D.; Arndt, S.: Broader autism phenotype: evidence from a family history study of multiple-incidence autism families. American Journal of Psychiatry 1997; 154(2):185–190
Stone, W. L.; McMahon, C. R.; Yoder, P. J.; Walden, T. A.: Early Social-Communicative and Cognitive Development of Younger Siblings of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 2007; 161(4):384–390
Shaked, M.; Yirmiya, N.: Matching Procedures in Autism Research: Evidence from Meta-Analytic Studies. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2004; 34(1):35–40
Hurley, R. S. E.; Losh, M.; Parlier, M.; Reznick, J. S.; Piven, J.: The broad autism phenotype questionnaire. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2007; 37(9):1679–1690

 Heterogeneidad clínica

Ring, H.; Woodbury-Smith, M.; Watson, P.; Wheelwright, S.; Baron-Cohen, S.: Clinical heterogeneity among people with high functioning autism spectrum conditions: evidence favouring a continuous severity gradient. Behavioral and Brain Functions 2008; 4(1):11
Autismo de alto funcionamiento Heterogeneidad clínica


Bayés, M.; Ramos, J. A.; Cormand, B.; Hervás Zúñiga, A.; del Campo, M.; Duran Tauleria, E.; Ribasés, M.; Vilella Cuadrada, E.; de Diego Otero, Y.; Casas Brugué, M.; Estivill, X.: Genotipado a gran escala en la investigación del trastorno del espectro autista y el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad. Revista de Neurología 2005; 40(Supl 1):S187–S190


Etchepareborda, M. C.; Díaz Lucero, A.; Pascuale, M. J.; Abad Mas, L.; Ruiz Andrés, R.: Síndrome de Asperger, los pequeños profesores: habilidades especiales. Revista Neurología 2007; 44(Supl 2):S43–S47


Saldaña Sage, D.; Carreiras, M.; Frith, U.: Orthographic and Phonological Pathways in Hyperlexic Readers With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Developmental neuropsychology 2009; 34(3):240–253
Etchepareborda, M. C.; Díaz Lucero, A.; Pascuale, M. J.; Abad Mas, L.; Ruiz Andrés, R.: Síndrome de Asperger, los pequeños profesores: habilidades especiales. Revista Neurología 2007; 44(Supl 2):S43–S47


Crespi, B.; Badcock, C.: Psychosis and autism as diametrical disorders of the social brain. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2008; 31:241–261


Etchepareborda, M. C.; Díaz Lucero, A.; Pascuale, M. J.; Abad Mas, L.; Ruiz Andrés, R.: Síndrome de Asperger, los pequeños profesores: habilidades especiales. Revista Neurología 2007; 44(Supl 2):S43–S47

 Hipersensibilidad sensorial

Ashwin, E.; Ashwin, C.; Rhydderch, D.; Howells, J.; Baron-Cohen, S.: Eagle-Eyed Visual Acuity: An experimental investigation of enhanced perception in autism. Biological psychiatry 2009; 65(1):17–21
Boddaert, N.; Belin, P.; Chabane, N.; Poline, J. B.; Barthelemy, C.; Mouren-Simeoni, M. C.; Brunelle, F.; Samson, Y.; Zilbovicius, M.: Perception of Complex Sounds: Abnormal Pattern of Cortical Activation in Autism. American Journal of Psychiatry 2003; 160(11):2057–2060
Hipersensibilidad sensorial
Boddaert, N.; Chabane, N.; Belin, P.; Bourgeois, M.; Royer, V.; Barthelemy, C.; Mouren-Simeoni, M. C.; Philippe, A.; Brunelle, F.; Samson, Y.; Zilvobicius, M.: Perception of Complex Sounds in Autism: Abnormal Auditory Cortical Processing in Children. American Journal of Psychiatry 2004; 161(11):2117–2120
Hipersensibilidad sensorial


 Hipoplasia de cerebelo

 Hipótesis de Trivers-Willard

 Historia clínica

Díez Cuervo, A.; Muñoz Yunta, J. A.; Fuentes Biggi, J.; Canal Bedia, R.; Idiazábal Aletxa, M. A.; Ferrari Arroyo, M. J.; Mulas, F.; Tamarit, J.; Valdizán, J. R.; Hervás Zúñiga, A.; Artigas Pallarés, J.; Belinchón Carmona, M.; Hernández, J. M.; Martos Pérez, J.; Palacios, S.; Posada de la Paz, M.: Guía de buena práctica para el diagnóstico de los trastornos del espectro autista. Revista de Neurología 2005; 41(5):299–310

 Historias de Happé

Tirapu Ustárroz, J.; Pérez Sayes, G.; Erekatxo Bilbao, M.; Pelegrín Valero, C.: ¿Qué es la teoría de la mente? Revista de neurología 2007; 44(8):479–489

 Historias sociales

Vanderhoek, A. P.; Fielding-Barnsley, R.: Developing Unique Social Stories as a Behavioural Intervention for an Eight-Year Old Boy with Asperger Syndrome. Proceedings International Conference on Cognition, Language and Special Education Research 2004; 194–210
Historias sociales Intervención conductual


Buccino, G.; Binkofski, F.; Fink, G. R.; Fadiga, L.; Fogassi, L.; Gallese, V.; Seitz, R. J.; Zilles, K.; Rizzolatti, G.; Freund, H. J.: Action observation activates premotor and parietal areas in a somatotopic manner: an fMRI study. European Journal of Neuroscience 2001; 13(2):400–404


Lyons, V.; Fitzgerald, M.: Humor in Autism and Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2004; 34(5):521–531