Índice de palabras clave



Adams, C.: Clinical diagnostic and intervention studies of children with semantic-pragmatic language disorder. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 2001; 36(3):289–305
Adams, C.: Practitioner Review: The assessment of language pragmatics. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines 2002; 43(8):973–987

 Necesidades educativas

Granizo, L.; Naylor, P.; del Barrio, C.: Análisis de las relaciones sociales de los alumnos con Síndrome de Asperger en escuelas integradas de secundaria: un estudio de casos. Revista de psicodidáctica 2006; 11(2):281–291
Bullying Necesidades educativas Relaciones sociales
Urrutxi, L.D.; Velásquez, L.S.: Estrategias educativas para orientar las necesidades educativas de los estudiantes con Síndrome de Asperger en aulas ordinarias. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology 2011; 9(24):869–892
Rodríguez Ortiz, I. R.; Moreno Pérez, F. J.; Aguilera Jiménez, A.: La atención educativa en el caso del alumnado con trastornos del espectro autista. Revista de Educación 2007; 344:425–445

 Necesidades especiales

Gómez Legorburu, B.; Badillo Perona, V.; Martínez Pérez, E.M.; Planells del Pozo, P.: Intervención odontológica actual en niños con autismo. La desensibilización sistemática. Científica Dental. Revista científica de formación continuada 2009; 6(3):51–59
Belinchón Carmona, M.; Hernández, J. M.; Sotillo, M.: Personas con Síndrome de Asperger. Funcionamiento, detección y necesidades (http://www.scribd.com/doc/17288168/Personas-Con-Sindrome-de-Asperger). Centro de Psicología Aplicada de la UAM, Confederación Autismo España, FESPAU y Fundación ONCE 2008
Diagnóstico Necesidades especiales


Dunbar, R. I. M.: The social brain hypothesis. Evolutionary Anthropology 1988; 6(5):178–190


Irarrázaval, M. E.; Brokering, W. A.; Murillo, G. A.: Autismo: una mirada desde la psiquiatría de adultos. Revista Chilena de Neuro Psiquiatría 2005; 43(1):51–60
Cornelio Nieto, J. O.: Autismo infantil y neuronas en espejo. Revista de Neurología 2009; 27–29
Mulas, F.; Hernández Muela, S.; Etchepareborda, M. C.; Abad Mas, L.: Bases clínicas neuropediátricas y patogénicas del trastorno del espectro autista. Revista de Neurología 2004; 38(Supl 1):S9–S14
Payá González, B.; Fuentes Menchaca, N.: Neurobiología del autismo: estudio de neuropatología y neuroimagen. Actas españolas de psiquiatría 2005; (33)
Dawson, G.; Webb, S.J.; Wijsman, E.; Schellenberg, G.; Estes, A.; Munson, J.; Faja, S.: Neurocognitive and electrophysiological evidence of altered face processing in parents of children with autism: implications for a model of abnormal development of social brain circuitry in autism. Development and Psychopathology 2005; 17(03):679–697
Cognición social Neurobiología

 Neurociencia cognitiva

Dalton, K. M.; Nacewicz, B. M.; Alexander, A. L.; Davidson, R. J.: Gaze-Fixation, Brain Activation, and Amygdala Volume in Unaffected Siblings of Individuals with Autism. Biological Psychiatry 2007; 61(4):512–520


Coben, R.; Padolsky, I.: Assessment-guided neurofeedback for autistic spectrum disorder. Journal of Neurotherapy 2007; 11(1):5–23
Kouijzer, M. E. J.; de Moor, J. M. H.; Gerrits, B. J. L.; Congedo, M.; van Schie, H. T.: Neurofeedback improves executive functioning in children with autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2009; 3(1):145–162
Thompson, L.; Thompson, M.; Reid, A.: Neurofeedback outcomes in clients with Asperger’s syndrome. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback 2010; 35(1):63–81


Schultz, R. T.; Gauthier, I.; Klin, A.; Fulbright, R.; Anderson, A.; Volkmar, F. R.; Skudlarski, P.; Lacadie, C.; Cohen, D. J.; Gore, J. C.: Abnormal ventral temporal cortical activity among individuals with autism and Asperger syndrome during face discrimination. Archives General Psychiatry 2000; 57:331–340
Harris, G. J.; Chabris, C. F.; Clark, J.; Urban, T.; Aharon, I.; Steele, S.; McGrath, L.; Condouris, K.; Tager-Flusberg, H.: Brain activation during semantic processing in autism spectrum disorders via functional magnetic resonance imaging. Brain and Cognition 2006; 61(1):54–68
McAlonan, G. M.; Suckling, J.; Wong, N.; Cheung, V.; Lienenkaemper, N.; Cheung, C.; Chua, S. E.: Distinct patterns of grey matter abnormality in high-functioning autism and Asperger’s syndrome. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2008; 49(12):1287–1295
Berthoz, S.; Artiges, E.; Van de Moortele, P. F.; Poline, J. B.; Rouquette, S.; Consoli, S. M.; Martinot, J. L.: Effect of impaired recognition and expression of emotions on frontocingulate cortices: an fMRI study of men with alexithymia. American Journal of Psychiatry 2002; 159(6):961–967
Welchew, D. E.; Ashwin, C.; Berkouk, K.; Salvador, R.; Suckling, J.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Bullmore, E. T.: Functional disconnectivity of the medial temporal lobe in Asperger’s syndrome. Biological Psychiatry 2005; 57(9):991–998
Dalton, K. M.; Nacewicz, B. M.; Johnstone, T.; Schaefer, H. S.; Gernsbacher, M. A.; Goldsmith, H. H.; Alexander, A. L.; Davidson, R. J.: Gaze fixation and the neural circuitry of face processing in autism. Nature Neuroscience 2005; 8:519–526
Moriguchi, Y.; Ohnishi, T.; Lane, R. D.; Maeda, M.; Mori, T.; Nemoto, K.; Matsuda, H.; Komaki, G.: Impaired self-awareness and theory of mind: an fMRI study of mentalizing in alexithymia. Neuroimage 2006; 32(3):1472–1482
Lotspeich, L. J.; Kwon, H.; Schumann, C. M.; Fryer, S. L.; Goodlin-Jones, B. L.; Buonocore, M. H.; Lammers, C. R.; Amaral, D. G.; Reiss, A. L.: Investigation of Neuroanatomical Differences Between Autism and Asperger Syndrome. Archives of General Psychiatry 2004; 61(3):291–298
Payá González, B.; Fuentes Menchaca, N.: Neurobiología del autismo: estudio de neuropatología y neuroimagen. Actas españolas de psiquiatría 2005; (33)
Baron-Cohen, S.; Ring, H. A.; Wheelwright, S.; Bullmore, E. T.; Brammer, M. J.; Simmons, A.; Williams, S. C. R.: Social intelligence in the normal and autistic brain: an fMRI study. European Journal of Neuroscience 1999; 11(6):1891–1898
Baron-Cohen, S.; Ring, H. A.; Bullmore, E. T.; Wheelwright, S.; Ashwin, C.; Williams, S. C. R.: The amygdala theory of autism. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 2000; 24(3):355–364
Iacoboni, M.; Dapretto, M.: The mirror neuron system and the consequences of its dysfunction. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2006; 7(12):942–951

 Neuronas espejo

Buccino, G.; Binkofski, F.; Fink, G. R.; Fadiga, L.; Fogassi, L.; Gallese, V.; Seitz, R. J.; Zilles, K.; Rizzolatti, G.; Freund, H. J.: Action observation activates premotor and parietal areas in a somatotopic manner: an fMRI study. European Journal of Neuroscience 2001; 13(2):400–404
Hadjikhani, N.; Joseph, R.M.; Snyder, J.; Tager-Flusberg, H.: Anatomical differences in the mirror neuron system and social cognition network in autism. Cerebral Córtex 2006; 16(9):1276–1282
Empatía Espesor cortical Neuronas espejo
Williams, J. H. G.; Whiten, A.; Singh, T.: A systematic review of action imitation in autistic spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2004; 34(3):285–299
Cornelio Nieto, J. O.: Autismo infantil y neuronas en espejo. Revista de Neurología 2009; 27–29
Disfunción Neurobiología Neuronas espejo
Hadjikhani, N.; Joseph, R. M.; Manoach, D. S.; Naik, P.; Snyder, J.; Dominick, K.; Hoge, R.; Van den Stock, J.; Flusberg, H. T.; De Gelder, B.: Body expressions of emotion do not trigger fear contagion in autism spectrum disorder. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 2009
Williams, J. H. G.; Whiten, A.; Suddendorf, T.; Perrett, D. I.: Imitation, mirror neurons and autism. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews 2001; 25(4):287–295
Neuronas espejo Teoría de la mente
Thompson, L.; Thompson, M.; Reid, A.: Neurofeedback outcomes in clients with Asperger’s syndrome. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback 2010; 35(1):63–81
Iacoboni, M.; Dapretto, M.: The mirror neuron system and the consequences of its dysfunction. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2006; 7(12):942–951
Neuroimagen Neuronas espejo Socialización
Dapretto, M.; Davies, M. S.; Pfeifer, J. H.; Scott, A. A.; Sigman, M.; Bookheimer, S. Y.; Iacoboni, M.: Understanding emotions in others: mirror neuron dysfunction in children with autism spectrum disorders. Nature Neuroscience 2005; 9:28–30
McIntosh, D. N.; Reichmann-Decker, A.; Winkielman, P.; Wilbarger, J. L.: When the social mirror breaks: deficits in automatic, but not voluntary, mimicry of emotional facial expressions in autism. Developmental Science 2006; 9(3):295–302
Neuronas espejo Procesamiento facial


Payá González, B.; Fuentes Menchaca, N.: Neurobiología del autismo: estudio de neuropatología y neuroimagen. Actas españolas de psiquiatría 2005; (33)
Neurobiología Neuroimagen Neuropatología


Ghaziuddin, M.; Mountain-Kimchi, K.: Defining the Intellectual Profile of Asperger Syndrome: Comparison with High-Functioning Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2004; 34(3):279–284
Estudios de validez Neuropsicología
Mottron, L.; Peretz, I.; Menard, E.: Local and global processing of music in high-functioning persons with autism: beyond central coherence? The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines 2000; 41(08):1057–1065
Mottron, L.; Burack, J. A.; Iarocci, G.; Belleville, S.; Enns, J. T.: Locally oriented perception with intact global processing among adolescents with high-functioning autism: Evidence from multiple paradigms. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2003; 44(6):904–913


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Surian, L.: Are Children with Autism Deaf to Gricean Maxims? Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 1996; 1(1):55–72
Berney, T.: Asperger syndrome from childhood into adulthood. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 2004; 10(5):341–351
Peppé, S.; McCann, J.; Gibbon, F.; O’Hare, A.; Rutherford, M.: Assessing prosodic and pragmatic ability in children with high-functioning autism. Journal of Pragmatics 2006; 38(10):1776–1791
Tuchman, R. F.: Cómo construir un cerebro social: lo que nos enseña el autismo. Revista de Neurología Clínica 2000; 1:20–33
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Bishop, D. V. M.; Adams, C.: Conversational characteristics of children with semantic-pragmatic disorder. II: What features lead to a judgement of inappropriacy? (http://www.mugsy.org/spd2.htm) International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 1989; 24(3):241–263
Díaz Atienza, F.; García Pablos, C.; Martín Romera, A.: Diagnóstico precoz de los Trastornos Generalizados del Desarrollo. Revista de Psiquiatría y Psicología del Niño y del Adolescente 2004; 4(2):127–144
Baron-Cohen, S.; Baldwin, D. A.; Crowson, M.: Do Children with Autism Use the Speaker’s Direction of Gaze Strategy to Crack the Code of Language? Child Development 1997; 68(1):48–57
Alcamí Pertejo, M.; Peral Guerra, M.; Gilaberte, I.: Estudio abierto con fluoxetina en niños con autismo. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría 2000; 28(6):353–356
Lutchmaya, S.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Raggatt, P.: Foetal testosterone and eye contact in 12-month-old human infants. Infant Behavior and Development 2002; 25(3):327–335
Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.: ‘Obsessions’ in children with autism or Asperger syndrome. Content analysis in terms of core domains of cognition. The British Journal of Psychiatry 1999; 175(5):484–490
Niños Obsesiones
Way, I.; Yelsma, P.; Van Meter, A. M.; Black-Pond, C.: Understanding alexithymia and language skills in children: Implications for assessment and intervention. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 2007; 38(2):128–139
Dapretto, M.; Davies, M. S.; Pfeifer, J. H.; Scott, A. A.; Sigman, M.; Bookheimer, S. Y.; Iacoboni, M.: Understanding emotions in others: mirror neuron dysfunction in children with autism spectrum disorders. Nature Neuroscience 2005; 9:28–30

 Niños pequeños

Baird, G.; Charman, T.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Cox, A.; Swettenham, J.; Wheelwright, S.; Drew, A.: A screening instrument for autism at 18 months of age: a 6-year follow-up study. Journal of Amer Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2000; 39(6):694–702
Cribaje Instrumentos Niños pequeños
Baron-Cohen, S.; Allen, J.; Gillberg, C.: Can autism be detected at 18 months? The needle, the haystack, and the CHAT. The British Journal of Psychiatry 1992; 161(6):839–843
Cribaje Instrumentos Niños pequeños
Wetherby, A. M.; Prizant, B. M.: CSBS DP manual: communication and symbolic behavior scales developmental profile. Paul H. Brookes Pub., Baltimore, Md. 2002
Díaz Atienza, F.; García Pablos, C.; Martín Romera, A.: Diagnóstico precoz de los Trastornos Generalizados del Desarrollo. Revista de Psiquiatría y Psicología del Niño y del Adolescente 2004; 4(2):127–144
Baron-Cohen, S.; Baldwin, D. A.; Crowson, M.: Do Children with Autism Use the Speaker’s Direction of Gaze Strategy to Crack the Code of Language? Child Development 1997; 68(1):48–57
Lenguaje Niños Niños pequeños
Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.; Cox, A.; Baird, G.; Charman, T.; Swettenham, J.; Drew, A.; Doehring, P.: Early identification of autism by the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT). Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 2000; 93(10):521–525
Cribaje Instrumentos Niños pequeños
Chakrabarti, S.; Fombonne, E.: Pervasive Developmental Disorders in Preschool Children: Confirmation of High Prevalence. American Journal of Psychiatry 2005; 162(6):1133–1141
Canal Bedia, R.; Guisuraga Fernández, Z.; Martínez Conejo, A.; Martín Cilleros, M. V.; García Primo, P.; Ferrari Arroyo, M. J.; Touriño Aguilera, E.; Boada Muñoz, L.; García Almadén, E.; Santos Borbujo, J.; Rey Sánchez, F.; Martínez Velarte, M.; Franco Martínez, M.; Fuentes Biggi, J.; Posada de la Paz, M.: ¿Podemos detectar niños y niñas con sospecha de TEA mediante el M-CHAT/ES? Estudio de la capacidad discriminativa de la versión española del cuestionario M-CHAT. Investigación e Innovación en Autismo 2006
Monahan, S. L.; Bryer, F.: Shadowing techniques for young children with autism: Extending ABA procedures from home to school. Educating: Weaving Research into Practice: Volume 4 2004; 34–46
ABA Niños pequeños
Landa, R. J.; Holman, K. C.; Garrett-Mayer, E.: Social and communication development in toddlers with early and later diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders. Archives of General Psychiatry 2007; 64(7):853–864
Robins, D. L.; Fein, D.; Barton, M. L.; Green, J. A.: The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers: An Initial Study Investigating the Early Detection of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2001; 31(2):131–144
Instrumentos Niños pequeños
Allison, C.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.; Charman, T.; Richler, J.; Pasco, G.; Brayne, C.: The Q-CHAT (Quantitative CHecklist for Autism in Toddlers): a normally distributed quantitative measure of autistic traits at 18–24 months of age: preliminary report. Journal of autism and developmental disorders 2008; 38(8):1414–1425


Beversdorf, D. Q.; Carpenter, A. L.; Miller, R. F.; Cios, J. S.; Hillier, A.: Effect of propranolol on verbal problem solving in autism spectrum disorder. Neurocase 2008; 14(4):378–383


Girimaji, S. R.; Biju, S. T.; Srinath, S.; Seshadri, S. P.: Co morbid Psychiatric Disorders in Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2005; 1(2):7
Comorbilidad Nosología

 Núcleo pulvinar

Hadjikhani, N.; Joseph, R. M.; Manoach, D. S.; Naik, P.; Snyder, J.; Dominick, K.; Hoge, R.; Van den Stock, J.; Flusberg, H. T.; De Gelder, B.: Body expressions of emotion do not trigger fear contagion in autism spectrum disorder. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 2009