Índice de autores
▲ Badcock, C.
▲ Badillo Perona, V.
▲ Bagby, R. M.
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▲ Bahnemann, M.
▲ Baird, G.
- Baird, G.; Charman, T.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Cox, A.; Swettenham, J.; Wheelwright, S.; Drew, A.: A screening instrument for autism at 18 months of age: a 6-year follow-up study. Journal of Amer Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2000; 39(6):694–702
- Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.; Cox, A.; Baird, G.; Charman, T.; Swettenham, J.; Drew, A.; Doehring, P.: Early identification of autism by the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT). Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 2000; 93(10):521–525
- Bishop, D. V. M.; Baird, G.: Parent and teacher report of pragmatic aspects of communication: use of the Children’s Communication Checklist in a clinical setting. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 2001; 43(12):809–818
- Green, D.; Baird, G.; Barnett, A. L.; Henderson, L.; Huber, J.; Henderson, S. E.: The severity and nature of motor impairment in Asperger’s syndrome: a comparison with specific developmental disorder of motor function. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2002; 43(5):655–668
- Norbury, C. F.; Nash, M.; Baird, G.; Bishop, D. V. M.: Using a parental checklist to identify diagnostic groups in children with communication impairment: a validation of the Children’s Communication Checklist-2. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 2004; 39(3):345–364
▲ Baker, D.
▲ Baldor Tudet, I.
▲ Baldwin, D. A.
▲ Balmanya Gelpí, N.
▲ Banerjee-Basu, S.
- Chakrabarti, B.; Dudbridge, F.; Kent, L.; Wheelwright, S.; Hill-Cawthorne, G.; Allison, C.; Banerjee-Basu, S.; Baron-Cohen, S.: Genes related to sex steroids, neural growth, and social-emotional behavior are associated with autistic traits, empathy, and Asperger syndrome. Autism Research 2009; 2(3):157–177
▲ Baranek, G. T.
- Losh, M.; Adolphs, R.; Poe, M. D.; Couture, S.; Penn, D.; Baranek, G. T.; Piven, J.: Neuropsychological Profile of Autism and the Broad Autism Phenotype. Archives of General Psychiatry 2009; 66(5):518–526
- Filipek, P. A.; Accardo, P. J.; Baranek, G. T.; Cook, E. H.; Dawson, G.; Gordon, B.; Gravel, J. S.; Johnson, C. P.; Kallen, R. J.; Levy, S. E.; Minshew, N. J.; Prizant, B. M.; Rapin, I.; Rogers, S. J.; Stone, W. L.; Teplin, S.; Tuchman, R. F.; Volkmar, F. R.: The screening and diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 1999; 29(6):439–484
▲ Barnard, L.
▲ Barnett, A. L.
▲ Barnhill, G. P.
▲ Baron-Cohen, S.
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- Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.; Spong, A.; Scahill, V.; Lawson, J.: Are intuitive physics and intuitive psychology independent? A test with children with Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders 2001; 5(1):47–78
- Jolliffe, T.; Baron-Cohen, S.: Are people with autism and Asperger syndrome faster than normal on the Embedded Figures Test? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1997; 38(5):527–534
- Baird, G.; Charman, T.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Cox, A.; Swettenham, J.; Wheelwright, S.; Drew, A.: A screening instrument for autism at 18 months of age: a 6-year follow-up study. Journal of Amer Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2000; 39(6):694–702
- Jolliffe, T.; Baron-Cohen, S.: A test of central coherence theory: Can adults with high-functioning autism or Asperger syndrome integrate fragments of an object? Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 2001; 6(3):193–216
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- Ring, H.; Woodbury-Smith, M.; Watson, P.; Wheelwright, S.; Baron-Cohen, S.: Clinical heterogeneity among people with high functioning autism spectrum conditions: evidence favouring a continuous severity gradient. Behavioral and Brain Functions 2008; 4(1):11
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- Ashwin, E.; Ashwin, C.; Rhydderch, D.; Howells, J.; Baron-Cohen, S.: Eagle-Eyed Visual Acuity: An experimental investigation of enhanced perception in autism. Biological psychiatry 2009; 65(1):17–21
- Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.; Cox, A.; Baird, G.; Charman, T.; Swettenham, J.; Drew, A.; Doehring, P.: Early identification of autism by the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT). Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 2000; 93(10):521–525
- Ingudomnukul, E.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.; Knickmeyer, R.: Elevated rates of testosterone-related disorders in women with autism spectrum conditions. Hormones and Behavior 2007; 51(5):597–604
- Lawson, J.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.: Empathising and Systemising in Adults with and without Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2004; 34(3):301–310
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- Goldenfeld, N.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.: Empathizing and systemizing in males, females and autism. Clinical Neuropsychiatry 2005; 2:338–345
- Auyeung, B.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Ashwin, E.; Knickmeyer, R.; Taylor, K.; Hackett, G.; Hines, M.: Fetal testosterone predicts sexually differentiated childhood behavior in girls and in boys. Psychological Science 2009; 20(2):144
- Baron-Cohen, S.; Ring, H. A.; Chitnis, X.; Wheelwright, S.; Gregory, L.; Williams, S.; Brammer, M. J.; Bullmore, E. T.: fMRI of parents of children with Asperger Syndrome: A pilot study. Brain and Cognition 2006; 61(1):122–130
- Lutchmaya, S.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Raggatt, P.: Foetal testosterone and eye contact in 12-month-old human infants. Infant Behavior and Development 2002; 25(3):327–335
- Welchew, D. E.; Ashwin, C.; Berkouk, K.; Salvador, R.; Suckling, J.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Bullmore, E. T.: Functional disconnectivity of the medial temporal lobe in Asperger’s syndrome. Biological Psychiatry 2005; 57(9):991–998
- Chakrabarti, B.; Dudbridge, F.; Kent, L.; Wheelwright, S.; Hill-Cawthorne, G.; Allison, C.; Banerjee-Basu, S.; Baron-Cohen, S.: Genes related to sex steroids, neural growth, and social-emotional behavior are associated with autistic traits, empathy, and Asperger syndrome. Autism Research 2009; 2(3):157–177
- Baron-Cohen, S.: Hey! It was just a joke! Understanding propositions and propositional attitudes by normally developing children and children with autism. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences 1997; 34:174–178
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- Baron-Cohen, S.; Hammer, J.: Is Autism an Extreme Form of the “Male Brain”. Advances in Infancy Research 1997; 11:193–218
- Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.; Jolliffe, T.: Is There a “Language of the Eyes”? Evidence from Normal Adults, and Adults with Autism or Asperger Syndrome. Visual Cognition 1997; 4(3):311–331
- Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.; Stott, C.; Bolton, P.; Goodyer, I.: Is there a link between engineering and autism? Autims 1997; 1:101–109
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- Jolliffe, T.; Baron-Cohen, S.: Linguistic processing in high-functioning adults with autism or Asperger syndrome: Can global coherence be achieved? A further test of central coherence theory. Psychological Medicine 2000; 30:1169–1187
- Lawrence, E. J.; Shaw, P.; Baker, D.; Baron-Cohen, S.; David, A. S.: Measuring empathy: reliability and validity of the Empathy Quotient. Psychological Medicine 2004; 34(05):911–920
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- Baron-Cohen, S.; Hoekstra, R. A.; Knickmeyer, R.; Wheelwright, S.: The Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) - Adolescent Version. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2006; 36(3):343–350
- Auyeung, B.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.; Allison, C.: The autism spectrum quotient: Children’s version (AQ-Child). Journal of autism and developmental disorders 2008; 38(7):1230–1240
- Scott, F. J.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Bolton, P.; Brayne, C.: The CAST (Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test): Preliminary Development of a UK Screen for Mainstream Primary-School-Age Children. Autism 2002; 6(1):9–31
- Auyeung, B.; Wheelwright, S.; Allison, C.; Atkinson, M.; Samarawickrema, N.; Baron-Cohen, S.: The Children’s Empathy Quotient and Systemizing Quotient: Sex Differences in Typical Development and in Autism Spectrum Conditions. Journal of autism and developmental disorders 2009; 39(11):1509–1521
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▲ Barrio, C.
▲ Bartels, M.
▲ Barthelemy, C.
- Boddaert, N.; Belin, P.; Chabane, N.; Poline, J. B.; Barthelemy, C.; Mouren-Simeoni, M. C.; Brunelle, F.; Samson, Y.; Zilbovicius, M.: Perception of Complex Sounds: Abnormal Pattern of Cortical Activation in Autism. American Journal of Psychiatry 2003; 160(11):2057–2060
- Boddaert, N.; Chabane, N.; Belin, P.; Bourgeois, M.; Royer, V.; Barthelemy, C.; Mouren-Simeoni, M. C.; Philippe, A.; Brunelle, F.; Samson, Y.; Zilvobicius, M.: Perception of Complex Sounds in Autism: Abnormal Auditory Cortical Processing in Children. American Journal of Psychiatry 2004; 161(11):2117–2120
▲ Barton, M. L.
▲ Bayés, M.
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▲ Beardon, L.
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▲ Belin, P.
- Boddaert, N.; Belin, P.; Chabane, N.; Poline, J. B.; Barthelemy, C.; Mouren-Simeoni, M. C.; Brunelle, F.; Samson, Y.; Zilbovicius, M.: Perception of Complex Sounds: Abnormal Pattern of Cortical Activation in Autism. American Journal of Psychiatry 2003; 160(11):2057–2060
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▲ Belinchón Carmona, M.
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