Índice de autores
▲ LaBar, K. S.
▲ Lacadie, C.
- Schultz, R. T.; Gauthier, I.; Klin, A.; Fulbright, R.; Anderson, A.; Volkmar, F. R.; Skudlarski, P.; Lacadie, C.; Cohen, D. J.; Gore, J. C.: Abnormal ventral temporal cortical activity among individuals with autism and Asperger syndrome during face discrimination. Archives General Psychiatry 2000; 57:331–340
▲ La Greca, A. M.
▲ Lammers, C. R.
▲ Landa, R. J.
▲ Lane, R. D.
▲ Larsen, R. J.
▲ Laso, E. L.
▲ Lawrence, E. J.
▲ Lawson, J.
- Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.; Spong, A.; Scahill, V.; Lawson, J.: Are intuitive physics and intuitive psychology independent? A test with children with Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders 2001; 5(1):47–78
- Lawson, J.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.: Empathising and Systemising in Adults with and without Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2004; 34(3):301–310
- Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.; Lawson, J.; Griffin, R.; Ashwin, C.; Billington, J.; Chakrabarti, B.: Empathizing and systemizing in autism spectrum conditions. Handbook of autism and pervasive developmental disorders (3rd ed.). Assessment, interventions, and policy 2005; 628–639
▲ Leary, M. R.
▲ LeBlanc, L. A.
▲ Leboyer, M.
- Goussé, V.; Plumet, M. H.; Chabane, N.; Mouren Siméoni, M. C.; Ferrandian, N.; Leboyer, M.: Fenotipos marginales en el autismo: una revisión de los estudios clínicos, bioquímicos y cognitivos. European Psychiatry Ed. Esp. 2002; 9:421–429
- Delorme, R.; Goussé, V.; Roy, I.; Trandafir, A.; Mathieu, F.; Mouren Siméoni, M. C.; Betancur, C.; Leboyer, M.: Shared executive dysfunctions in unaffected relatives of patients with autism and obsessive-compulsive disorder. European Psychiatry 2007; 22(1):32–38
▲ Leekam, S. R.
▲ León, R. C.
▲ Leslie, A. M.
▲ Levy, S. E.
- Filipek, P. A.; Accardo, P. J.; Baranek, G. T.; Cook, E. H.; Dawson, G.; Gordon, B.; Gravel, J. S.; Johnson, C. P.; Kallen, R. J.; Levy, S. E.; Minshew, N. J.; Prizant, B. M.; Rapin, I.; Rogers, S. J.; Stone, W. L.; Teplin, S.; Tuchman, R. F.; Volkmar, F. R.: The screening and diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 1999; 29(6):439–484
▲ Lewis, F. M.
▲ Liebowitz, M. R.
▲ Lienenkaemper, N.
▲ Limón, A.
▲ Lindberg, N.
▲ Lionel, A. C.
- Marshall, C. R.; Noor, A.; Vincent, J. B.; Lionel, A. C.; Feuk, L.; Skaug, J.; Shago, M.; Moessner, R.; Pinto, D.; Ren, Y. et al.: Structural variation of chromosomes in autism spectrum disorder. The American Journal of Human Genetics 2008; 82(2):477–488
▲ Llorca Llinares, M.
▲ Lobaton, S.
▲ Long, M. T.
▲ Lopez, A. M.
▲ López, N.
▲ López Gómez, S.
▲ López Moreno, M. J.
▲ Lord, C.
▲ Losh, M.
- Zucker, N. L.; Losh, M.; Bulik, C. M.; LaBar, K. S.; Piven, J.; Pelphrey, K. A.: Anorexia nervosa and autism spectrum disorders: Guided investigation of social cognitive endophenotypes. Psychological bulletin 2007; 133(6):976–1006
- Losh, M.; Adolphs, R.; Poe, M. D.; Couture, S.; Penn, D.; Baranek, G. T.; Piven, J.: Neuropsychological Profile of Autism and the Broad Autism Phenotype. Archives of General Psychiatry 2009; 66(5):518–526
- Hurley, R. S. E.; Losh, M.; Parlier, M.; Reznick, J. S.; Piven, J.: The broad autism phenotype questionnaire. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2007; 37(9):1679–1690
▲ Lotspeich, L. J.
▲ Love, J. R.
▲ Löwe, B.
▲ Luminet, O.
▲ Lunsky, Y.
▲ Lusher, D.
▲ Lutchmaya, S.
▲ Luzardo, M.
▲ Lyons, V.